Thursday, September 1, 2011

harry potter~1st of september thursday 5.15pm 2011~

I just finished harry potter and the goblet of fire- i have read it before, ofcourse, but im re-reading the harry potter series. I began reading harry potter and the order of the phoenix straight after, but almost instantly the words and writing on the page inspired me to get back on the computer and continue to write some more of my own novel. It doesn't have a name but it is based around J.K Rowling's wizarding world but in Australia. It's about a girl called Indira Stump a witch in her 4th year at Muttonbird School Of Witchcraft and Wizardry. (Made up school with tilly and lucy M and sophie) Lucy and Tilly invented characters named Aria Diamond and Poppy Malone who each have a story, and our three characters are best friends. We write a book from each year from our character's point of view

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Pottermore~ 1st of September 2011 3pm Thursday~

oh my god. let me tell  u that life has been apsolutely fantastic since Pottermore came into my life, for sure! Last Thursday night my friend Tilly got her Pottermore email. Yes i was excited and happy for her, but also slightly deflated and jealous that i hadn't got mine. Of course since we get 3 emails from pottermore in total (The first saying the early registration has begun, the 2nd confirming that you will be apart of the early pottermore selection {only 1 million are aloud on before the sites actual opening in october, to help shape with website and the experience} called Beta Testers {Beta is the system/website that created Pottermore} and the 3rd email i was awaiting which would tell me that i could enter pottermore officially.) this was all very exciting as i took part in the 7 day challenge to get in early. I had gotten the magic quill on the first day and my first email within hours of Tilly getting hers. So i expected to get my email early the next morning of when tilly got her 3rd email. On the Friday (the day after Tilly got hers) there wasn't too much talk at school because Tilly couldn't get past a particular part of the site (Pottermore is shaped around the books of harry potter with interactive images and moments from each chapter all surrounded around the first book at the moment.) she was stuck on Diagon Alley (In pottermore there are 3 moments of each chapter highlighting the main plot of the chapter with images and colour. You experience things as harry does in the book. For instance you get sorted when harry is sorted in the book {chapter 7} ) this may not make sense to all of you, but if your a harry potter fan and if ur already on pottermore you understand completely. Before i continue i have here a website that shows you J.K Rowling's announcement of Pottermore:

So, as i was saying. At the end of school on Friday tilly wanted me to come home with her to show me pottermore, i said that i was probably getting my email and so i walked home. I was going to read harry potter on the walk home because Jenny had gone to buy ice-cream and so i walked alone. I realised then that i could check my emails from my mobile which alerted me whenever i got emails with a little purple light that flashed. Sure enough as i took deep breathes and my heart raced (No exageration) and i saw my notifications. One word. One magical, fabulous word: Pottermore. I had an email from pottermore. I read it, and i literally squealed. I would have jumped up and down if i wasn't in public. I literally ran home except when my legs started to hurt from hurtling down the hill. When i got home i went straight to dad (mum had left that day for a weekend away with friends) and yelled "AHH! I GOT MY POTTERMORE EMAIL" basically i took some screen grabs of the moment saying i got my email early that morning (4.35am) and then pleaded to go on Pottermore on my dad's extravgent work computer whose screen was the size of our tv. He said i could and i told all my friends on facebook and Tilly ofcourse who then went on pottermore and attempted to get past Diagon alley. I got through everything rather fast and excitedly. I helped tilly get past the glitch. I bought all my school books, and a cat (Siamese Cat) and last on my list for school supplies was my wand from ollivanders. ARG!!! so exciting i was actually getting a wand! And i had to answer all these awesome questions and then i got my wand!!! Sycamore and unicorn core 12 and a quarter inches slightly springy!!! It's soo cool and i really want to actually make my wand. (I'll show pictures later) anyway, as i continued through the story for hours and hours (literally, it was getting dark) i was highly anticipating being sorted. Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw or Slytherin. I didn't mind really, though my least favourite was slytherin. I would be the first of my friends to be sorted as Tilly and I were (and still are at the moment) the only one of our friends to have gotten in to Pottermore, and TIlly was a couple of chapters behind me because of the diagon alley huccup. Whenever i did tests on the internet made by harry p fans i always got Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff and saw made a combo and was none as a Ravenpuff. I was really scared and excited. Then a film of J.K Rowling appeared before me telling me to answer the questions truthfully and carefully because once the sorting hat had made it's decision, it was final. I answered all the questions and i was sorted into... RAVENCLAW!!! I was soo excited. Tilly was like 'wow' and i was 'AHHH!' and then i got a welcome letter from my house written by ravenclaw prefect, it's really long and amazingly detailed telling me ravenclaws are smart, interesting, quirky and creative YAY!! Then my life was complete. I have a house and a wand and im on pottermore WOOT WOOT:) and then tilly was sorted into Gryffindor! We were both very suprised where we were sorted but have major house pride. It's amazing making potions and spells and seeing ravenclaw commonroom on pottermore. I have made so many friends and ravenclaw are in the lead on the school leaderboard for the house cup. Then i had to have dinner, and came back on 15 minutes later to finish the book. J.K Rowling popped back up congratulating me for finishing. Chamber of secrets hasnt come out yet... and wont till next year! :( but i can go back over the chapters and explore all the things i missed.


Monday, July 25, 2011

i find that if i write this very long, i will not be able to stop myself. i'm a afraid too much has happened. i will have to dotpoint it. Im a sad to inform you that almost exactly a month ago, my wonderful little cat passed away. He was only six years old, and i will never forget how wonderful he was. I will always love you casper<3
The other things that have happened are:
-I had my birthday, i got lots and lots of pressies, and my party was an 80's theme
- My two best friends went overseas almost at the same time, and as of friday, they are both officially back!!!
-We had school holidays, and only came back to school one week ago...
-On the first day of the holidays i had tilly for a sleepover (she had just come back the day before from overseas)
-The day after i had a sleepover with three of my other besties (May, Ally, Sophie)
- Oh, and i have a new best friend (New for you guys, not for me) named Ally
-In the second and last week of the holidays Tilly and i prepared to see HP 7 pt2 midnight showing and dressed up. It failed, and was cancelled. Saw it hours later in another cinema. BEST MOVIE EVER CRIED SO MUCH I THOUGHT EVERYONE WAS GONNA SHOUT AT ME
-Saw hp 7 pt2 again the last saturday of the holidays, and started collecting the harry potter set in the herald sun
-Am reading hp 3 again, and its really good<3
-Have to see harry potter 7 part 2 several times
-I decided to finish writing my letter to J.K Rowling, and am sending it tomorrow:)
-Consently on tumblr
-I decided to make my own Daily Prophet issue about after harry potter books, and i my friends will write articles too
-Have postponed it, but i was writing a script for a short film
-Made up an australian Hogwarts with my friend tilly
-Lucy M came back on friday, and i screamed
-yeah, thats about all... in a nutshell really

Friday, April 22, 2011

today. the 23rd of april. 2011. saturday

I finally watched season 6 all. I cannot believe I actually have finished- there is no more, the end. The episode is called 'the end' and it's the 17th episode. disc 5. it was a really good extended episode, which went for 100 minutes instead of 40. yeah and jack died:( but they all eventually die, and meet up in a church in an alternitive life, and are all together, and then they go. and jack and kate are together, claire and charlie, penny and desmand, shannon and sayid, sawyer and juliet, sun and jin! they are all happy, though they are dead. it ended with jack in the bamboo forest, lying on his back, like the first episode ever, only covered with blood. he is crying, but then vincent the dog comes and licks his face, just like the beginning. the dog sits beside him and waits. jack smiles. then he looks up and sees the plane flying off between the trees, meaning sawyer, miles, the pilot, albert, kate and claire, are leaving the island. he saved them. he closes his eyes. the end.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

oh my lord, how long has it been!? 14th of April

Well, to tell you the truth, i kind of stopped my blog. I think i was busy, but i really cant be sure, i mean, i have less homework then last year, maybe i just was getting used to year 8. Yes! I am in year 8! Seriously, at the start, me and my friends could hardly believe it. We just couldnt believe it!!! It was like, we will be in year 9 next year!???!!!? Anyways, i must go- I'm watching LOST season 6!!!! AHHH!!! I seriously am freakin yeah, well maybe i should like come back later and tell you everything i can remember, but i cant remember most of the stuff, and ah yes, but i'm watching "What Kate Did" episode like 3 of season 6, finally i can watch it!!! Anyways, i will talk later, bye ya'll!!

Monday, February 7, 2011

i'm going to bed. can you believe it? ME, at this time of night? well, its the truth, and i'm a drivin young lass who is scared shitless about reading the shining, but can't resist. ah well, with me watching packed to the rafters, and having my first day of year 8, i'm finding everything out of the usual ruten. but what the hell, why not do something different, odd, or just interesting? well, though reading isn't out of the ordinary, and stephen king novels are, i shall be off.