Wednesday, April 13, 2011

oh my lord, how long has it been!? 14th of April

Well, to tell you the truth, i kind of stopped my blog. I think i was busy, but i really cant be sure, i mean, i have less homework then last year, maybe i just was getting used to year 8. Yes! I am in year 8! Seriously, at the start, me and my friends could hardly believe it. We just couldnt believe it!!! It was like, we will be in year 9 next year!???!!!? Anyways, i must go- I'm watching LOST season 6!!!! AHHH!!! I seriously am freakin yeah, well maybe i should like come back later and tell you everything i can remember, but i cant remember most of the stuff, and ah yes, but i'm watching "What Kate Did" episode like 3 of season 6, finally i can watch it!!! Anyways, i will talk later, bye ya'll!!

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