Sunny's blog is a blog about the life of a teenage girl with lots to say and lots to learn. I'm Sunny, and living and loving life.
Saturday, January 29, 2011
today, sunday the 30th of jan.
My name will be up in lights on the sydney harbour bridge, today in a couple of minutes (10.18.00am) and it will say "Lucy Wadelton" and I will miss it:( Cos I don't have the silvertouch blah blah to view it on my laptop... oh well, it's the thought that counts...
Friday, January 28, 2011
oh my god, so long! 28th of jan.
I am sorry I haven't been writing everyday, but I have been too obsorbed in watching nothing but Friends, and looking for nothing but Friends at the library. Just quickly Lucy came today, we went to the library and the video store. I got a couple of dvds at the library, but couldn't find ANY pretty Little liars series, as it's a book! also there was no friends there! and then went to the video store and got a deal (6 weeklies + 1 over nighter for $10.70) of my own money of 6 volumes of friends, and Easy A!!!
Monday, January 24, 2011
Over the past two weeks... 10th till today, the 25th
about 5pm and watching Glee pilot ep. And then I must say it will take forever for me to recount my days events for the last 14 days, and for a little help I jotted things down as they happened. Um, it's hard to write so much stuff, I might do it in parts. So as you know the last post was very hard to understand because Sopha and Beth were very confusing, and I just wrote basically whatever came out of their mouths. will talk about it later~
Saturday, January 22, 2011
22nd of January 2011
Making it short and quick. I am at number 60 in Queenscliff, and am with Sophamafone and Beth. I am using this short window of opertunity to publish this post as I have never had internet down here except for this time. Using the Virgin Mobile Modem to get internet! Now it's almost two weeks since I have last posted, and I have been in PointLonsdale as you must know. I am about to leave Queenscliff and go back to my holiday house with Beth and Sophamafone to sleep over as my room in th holiday house has three beds. I am hurriying so do not have time to say what I have been doing for the past 12 days. Ok so just today will do. I woke up with~ oh and I must add that Sopha and Beth are watching over my shoulder and it's quite intimedating. They are talking about the angels ep of DOcter who. And now sopha is insulted. And she is making weird noises. Moving on sopha!!! ANyway, so I woke up at lets say 9.30am and got ready for Beth and SOpha to come and pick me up then we went and found the~ making me laugh, and they are saying SOpha is a couch. "TYPE WOMAN! SOOOPHA" says sopha. "A.K.A COUCH!" she yells again. Then Beth says "OR... COW!" and they are having a debate. ANyway, so um we went to the shops in QUeenscliff and bought lollies and chocolate owls "OW AND FRUIT TINGLES~ SHITAKI MUSHROOMS!" says sopha as Beth hurts her somehow. FINE! I am not going to say their converstaion anymore, cos they are mad. Long a short, we swam at the beach, then did random stuff, a bird~a sparrow flew into our window and didn't leave till like an hour later. Must go, but will say quickly that I watch 'The first wives club' last night, it was really good. "I'm really fearful of you right now~ Amemema" says sopha cos for some reason Beth is pulling her hair. Ok she says she's not, shes hitting her head. Then pulling her hair. "Maybe if we leave the room she won't beable to write stuff about us." Beth said. "No, she'll just make up stuff." says SOpha. But they are yelling and giggling. "You gotta come out with me." Says beth to sopha, and I must say that really she should. "No!" SOpha says, and asks things like 'why are you writing SOpha, and not Sopha," its a techniquil arra people. SHe yells "Amemema" again, says sopha. They are STARING AT ME! STOP IT GUYS! I will not type about your silly. ANyway, they have left! Now I may condem to writing nonsense, they wait at the door, impatiently. Stalking pictures as sopha says, camera in hand. "No! NO NO!" Sopha says as she threatens me with a letter opener. Must go! TATA
Sunday, January 9, 2011
10th jan 2011
Morning, morning, morning! Woke up at 9.30am and then got half dressed, went to the lu, and had brekky. about to leave to pick up Frankie and off to the beach we will go!
right now i am holding a homemade rasberry icy pole to my cheek bone near my eye because i stupidly kicked it with my own left knee.
Saturday, January 8, 2011
9th of jan 2011
WAIT! Not my last post! Forgot to tell you guys. Me and my friends (Porsche, me, Frankie and I) want to be a band, prob not really, we were just singing once, anyways I was watching the Beatles thing and Paul said 'Transistor Sister' and I thought how cool that name would be for a band. and yeah. I haven't said anything to anyone but my dad who was watching it wit me. 'Transister sister' or 'transistor sistor'
Just finished watching 'The Beatles First U.S Visit' at quarter to 6pm. It was really good, made 1990, and the Beatles are so funny people. My favourite has always been Paul, growing up, but my second fav has to be Ringo, he's soooo funny, they all are. Anyway I must go help cos we're leaving tomorrow, and won't have internet so i suppose this is my last entry for 2 weeks. In short a great watch.
today the 9th jan 2011
Today I got up at 9.20am and then made my bed before getting into some clothes in the bathroom and putting the bread in the toaster. Then I turned the TV on and buttered and put Promite on my toast. Then watched like 5 minutes of Lost before mum turned it off and showed me from an old 1981 TV series based on a novel on true story, of mum as an extra all young and pretty before she met dad and she has an old dress and her hair up in a net and walking right past the screen. She walked with her back turned again in another scene pretty soon after. Ok, byE!
Friday, January 7, 2011
today, a very LOST kinda day~ 8th of jan 2011
today I woke up at 10am and basically watched LOST season 3 all day, as well I bought the season and yeah. I just finished getting some clothes for holiday, and some I don't want anymore. So ah, yeah I am going to the beach on monday. awesome!
Here's some more pics from the 5th at hanging rock
Pretty sure this was a spot in the movie too, forgot to mention it cos we weren't certain. It's the sort of whole Miranda and Irma pulled through at the beginning of their search on the actual rock. |
I was pretty sure, so I got Porsche (who was Miranda) and I (Irma) to take the shot, maybe I can try and find it from the movie of the two of them. |
I will have some more I promise.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Picnic at hanging rock, pics. on the 7th
I'll have some more on the next post:)
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