Friday, January 28, 2011

oh my god, so long! 28th of jan.

I am sorry I haven't been writing everyday, but I have been too obsorbed in watching nothing but Friends, and looking for nothing but Friends at the library. Just quickly Lucy came today, we went to the library and the video store. I got a couple of dvds at the library, but couldn't find ANY pretty Little liars series, as it's a book! also there was no friends there! and then went to the video store and got a deal (6 weeklies + 1 over nighter for $10.70) of my own money of 6 volumes of friends, and Easy A!!!


  1. lol, btw, i have watched every season since then, and ah, yeah i own 3 seasons, and im going to watch the seasons over again...

  2. also i like bought a pretty little liars book, so um yeahhhh book 4, unbelievable from borders, and im gonna get another one!
