Thursday, December 30, 2010

Oh my, ok so I had this wierd dream which I don't know when started, but ended at 9.30am because I woke up.
It was so weird. OK so we (Flora, my parent's, Porsche's dad and Porsche) were all at my place, parent's in the kitchen talking, the rest sitting next to the heater talking. There was a whole pile of clothes, and we were sorta looking through it, and then this hippie dude came out of the pile and was holding like this long clear icy pole plastic containers and like eating the contents, which by the way weren't icy pole, but greenish powder. And he was all like, "I'm going to live here too" and I was like "No, nothing to do with drugs, no get out of here" and then he was like "fine, but I'll set up a studio in your garage" and shit, and I didn't want him to, so I was taking him to the door, and Porsche was like suddenly holding the powder thing, and eating it too, and I was like, "No, Porsche that's dope!" and she was like nodding cos she knew, and Flora had some, and I had shut the door on them and the Hippie, and had to open it again, and I took it off them, and I had no pockets, and I was using both hands, so I put the top of the plastic thing in my mouth, and tasted some, and was like 'YUCK' it tasted horrid, so vividy bad! And then Porsche got it back off me, and was having some more, and I couldn't get the horrible taste out of my mouth, and then I said "Porsche, I am ashamed of you!" and then I can't remember, but suddenly my whole form of 7J was like there, and they had dope too, and we all went to that park near westgarth, Robert's street reserve or something, except a little higher and more like different, anyway everyone was taking dope, except me, and the hippies followed, and then the teachers didn't know what to do, oh btw the park bit is at night time, and it's dark, and then we left and somehow we got them off it, and Chilli and Rachael were all like, "Why was I taking that?" and then we walked back to my house in the dark, and everyone had a kit kat caramel chunky bar, to get rid of the taste, and I had some, and then we reached there, and the teacher was like "See, everyone's back to normal and pointed into now a classroom lit up and the other students were like learning... at like midnight, and yeah that was the end.
Weird ha?