Friday, December 17, 2010

today, saturday the 18th

OK, ah so 7 days till Xmas! exciting. anyway. I am typing rather late cos I ah slept in till 12.30pm and was having lunch and having breakfast and watching TV for a bit, so now it's 3.40pm so yeah. Ah last night I finished the first book in the Lulu Baker trilogy, which took 2 days. awesome. It's not a small book, it's normal size, about 300 pages, approx. I wont start the next one, not yet. This is because I was already reading 2 other books first. I started Nanny Diaries first, but am keen to read more of Picnic at Hanging rock, also it's a smaller book, and I really do want to finish it before anyone else in my friendship group, don't ask me why, I am a competitive person, and only one other is reading it, and got it two days ago. But she is a fast and wonderful reader, and I must read it. I just think I want to finish it first because I showed them to the story. Tho one had seen it before me, I still believe they discovered it because of me. I am silly, but I do want to be first to finish, as it is my favourite thing currently. I am only onto chapter 2, and must run along, and at least get up to the middle soon. I also must continue my writing. At least finish writing one story over this holiday. I really need that to be my new years resolution: Finish all reading and writing of books in my list. That's easy enough. SO that means I must finish writing 3 novels, and reading possibly 4 books over this holiday including the time spent at the holiday house at Point Lonsdale. SO, at the moment I am deciding whether I should take a look at my current favourite novel I am creating, or whether I should continue reading Picnic at Hanging Rock and find myself at the following chapter. I think I might find away to do both.
It seems so far I have only been on the computer, eaten, watched doctor who and read a little today. But that has all been the the time space of 2 hours. so I am quite ahead of myself in that way. WELL it's 3.50pm around about now, so I shell get on with it.


  1. I read a 766 paged book in 3 days. That was somewhat extraordinary.

  2. hahaha show off. nah it's fun an't it?

  3. I know! I was reading so much ... it was the 5th Harry Potter. Cement slab of a book. Seriously, J.K. Rowling must have had a LOT of spare time.

  4. Well, I suppose she wouldn't have to go to work or anything because writing IS her work. Just finished the Harry Potter series for the eighth time. Feel free to applaud.
    Just so you know, I'm only kidding. There's plenty of people who have read it more than me ...
