Saturday, December 11, 2010

yesterday and today, 11th and the 12th

ok, so yesterday I woke up and I did some typing up of the plot of my new story-I FREAKIN LOVE IT! anyways, then at 1pm my parent's and I went to my uncle and aunties (dad side) and we had lunch there, casual and stuff with most of the family.. their house is sooooo cool, their rich you see, and so they have a mezzanine and two floors, and in their bedroom they go down these stairs to get to a walk in wardrobe, and they look out onto a spa and pool, and nice decking and they have a fancy kitchen, and all modern though, and at least... counting* 4 bedrooms, with double beds and great interior... and they have a giant TV, and a sitting room when you first enter, and stairs up to the mezzanine when you first enter too. They have 2 toilets? maybe more... but a really big courtyard out back, and they used to have like a gym, but they renervated that bit, and so if you go down the side, it's an apartment. one little white fancy, awesome one with glass sliding doors, and the bedroom at the end, which is small but I'd swap it for mine any day in looks. nice plazma... and their son and his girlfriend came down from england and are staying there. Oh! and they have a courtyard they look out onto, and you keep going past it and it has a small study, with a fancy fan with my blades!!! so expensive!! anyway... I got some xmas presents ya! I saved some for at xmas time though cos usually we have the get together on xmas day. Then we went home and didn't really have dinner cos we had had so much food, and then we (my dad went to sleep) but we watched 'Love's brother' and stuff on tv. then I went to bed. But before then, when we got home, at about 6pm, I wrote the first start of my story@! I started it! booya!
Now, I looked through some magazines, it's about 9.42am and I gonna watch some sort of tv program, and continue my story, it's just up to an interesting part!!!