Monday, November 15, 2010

today, tuesday the 16th

HI! Oh my lordy, I have three things I can't stop thinking about, 1. Tinkerbell and her friends, 2. Jinx, and the magic cookbook, and well the last one only my close friends can know about:)
So, ah today I walked to school, and saw Ivy waving at me from a distance, and so I waved, and then I realised Carlos was there, I think he thought I was waving at him, and he waved sort a back, whoops, oh well, he's my friend too.
So I had Art first two periods, and then recess, and then ah band theory period 3, and then I had band practice in period 4, and then I had lunch, and I ate two banana paddle pops, omg I am obsessed.  Um then I had English, and then Porsche and I had clarinet test!!! I don't know what I got, but I felt I was very good. Oh well!
Now I am talking to Frankie on msn, typing this, and waiting for jinx to come on in half an hour.

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