Monday, November 1, 2010

Tuesday, so far the 2nd

Now today is cup day, and it sure as hell stops the nation, well stops it from going to school anyway!!! I love having a four day weekend, also tomorrow we don't have early morning band either, AND Glee, the Librarians and We can be heroes is on one after the other!!!
Right now it's 1.36pm and I am watching an original episode of Charlie's Angels on GO!
I love this show.
Before Snow Pea came over, unexpectedly, and she stayed for an hour or so, and then walked home. It was a nice visit.
Later I am going to do my maths homework, and then my clarinet maybe, and then also I am going to Video Easy and borrow Interview with a Vampire, because I really want to finish it.
Ah, yeah so that's whats going on with me today, BYE!

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