My weekend has been fabulous so far! I absolutely loved it. I firstly will tell you why. Halloween was on Sunday, and I was going to go to a sleep over with our whole friendship group and go Trick Or Treating. I first went to Frankie's house, because a) I wanted to get ready with a friend, and b) because my parent's were going to a party, and I needed to either arrive early, or have someone else take me:)
So, I went to Frankie's house where we got ready about straight away. I had to get changed, but Frankie was already wearing her dead Marie Antoinette out fit (but not the wig, as she hated it)
Once I was dressed we got our make-up on!!! Things like, OK well first we put on our liquid eyeliner, because you should put that on first before fake lashes. So I thought I did a good job, and I'll show you some photos, Frankie got her mum to help, and then I got Frankie to help me put on my lashes. So she would help me actually place them on my lids, and then I would adjust and fix and stuff. So, I thought we looked pretty good. Then I put on my red lipstick, and then used an pencil eyeliner (black) to draw the stitches on my face, arms and neck/chest. Then well, I did something else, oh yes! I put on a blue-Green eye shadow all over my face, as my character is blue. The a bit on my arms, and then a lot on my neck/chest.
Then we ah, I think then we were ready, and we left I think.
Yeah, we got there first, and we put down our bags in the living room, and Porsche was showing us her costume (blue I love Jeanie, Jeanie)
and yeah, then about 15 minutes or so later Ivy, Leeluu, Gem all arrived, and then like 40 minutes later Milly arrived, oh! And Gem and Ivy were the devil's angels (Gem an angel, Ivy a devil) and Leeluu was a scary happy psycho type person on happy pills. Also Milly was a vampire.
Anyway it started to rain, and we really wanted to go, so because we knew Porsche's neignbour was coming just Trick Or Treating, we called her up, and we left right about straight after she arrived, I don't know, about 7.30pm???
Then we went trick or treating, seeing Riley and peeps several times, and yeah.
Then we got back and split things up.
Then we had dinner in the living room, and then Porsche's neighbour left, and we watched Psycho. I love that film, and me and Ivy sniggered alot:)..... (we were the only ones who'd seen it b4)
Um, yeah, everyone was talking heaps, and I was kind of annoyed, but I was talking to, so yeah:)
And then we talked for hours, I think it was about 3 or 4 in the morning before we actually went to sleep:)
So in the morning we started watching "Interview with a vampire" and it was really good, but then we had breakfast and didn't bother finishing it:(
Then we moved around the house, talking and then going out side on the trampoline, and yeah. Then I think we went to the park, and hung there, and then Gem had to go, and we said goodbye, which was about 12.30 in the afternoon. Then we went home about 10 minutes later, and went out side on the Trampoline again, and then Leeluu was picked up, and then my mum came, but she had a coffee and stayed for hours, and then I think we all played Volleyball, tipping the trampoline to it's side, and using it as a net. I was with Porsche, and Frankie, and Ivy was with Milly. Then yeah. Then Milly went, and the Ivy (still played volleyball) and then I left, dropping off Frankie at her place and continuing to mine. So, here's some wonderful pics:
This is Gem and Frankie |
This is Porsche and Ivy, I'm on the trampoline too:) |
This is Porsche, I was jumping on the trampoline too |
This is an awesome sign near the park |
I took this in the morning of Monday, of Leeluu, Porsche and Ivy |
Me before going to the sleep over, at Frankie's |
Porsche as the Jeanie |
Leeluu, as psycho crazy emo girl |
Frankie's eyes (wearing lashes) |
Ivy as the devil |
Me at Porsche's as Sally the rag doll from Nightmare b4 xmas |
Ivy and Gem (devil and angel) |
Me wearing my false lashes |
Me also, looking down with false lashes |
Frankie as Dead Marie Antoinette |
You all look amazing!! I never mastered false eyelashes so I'm very jealous :)