Monday, October 11, 2010

G'day this is what happened today

Hi, so this morning I packed my camera, because I had so much fun taking photos last time.
I got to the top of the hill  (mum drove me) and saw Lottie, so I walked with her down the hill till we got to the crossing when Gem appeared, and walked with me and Lottie.
She told me she was coming to the Halloween party thing my friends and I are going to do.She doesn't know if she's staying just for the trick or treating or also staying for the sleep over like everyone else.
She told me she thinks she's going as the grudge! Scary....
Anyway so I was in the locker bay squatting down next to Porsche's locker as I told her Gem was coming, when someone scared me by going "LUCY" and quickly grabbing my shoulders. I gave a little scream, and turned around to see it was RACHELLO!!!! I knew she was coming back from Cambodia, and that she would be at school that day, but I just didn't expect it! And I screamed again, but louder and happily not confused, and dropped my books and jumped up and hugged her. It was so comical the way I screamed one way for one reason, and just as quickly screamed another way for another reason.
Then Porsche was ready for class, so I we went to homeroom, and I was like "Bye, Rachello..." all like depressed and Porsche was like "You'll see her in homeroom"
Anyway then I walked with Frankie and Porsche to Italian for period 1, and then Porsche went her way, and I sat with Frankie.
On the way to period 2: maths, I walked with Rachello, and we talked and stuff.
Then there was recess, when I forgot to bring out my camera. And Leeluü was there! JOY!
Anyway then Porsche and I had CAD, for period 3 and 4. We had to take photos of us for this thing! I looked so ugly. So cool cos' now I am sitting next to Rachello in computers, and pore Porsche was all by herself. The order was like Flora, no one, me, Rachello, Tallulah, and Victoria, then like Porsche miles and miles further down through other class mates.
Then we had lunch, and I forgot to get my camera out again, and I had my bag the whole lunch! This was because we had Sport last two periods, and we just keep our bags with us so we can just leave straight away instead of going to our lockers after school. And we had to change and stuff but we had to wear our house colours. On Monday it's always the whole of the year doing sport together in groups and stuff, so I get to be with all my friends not just a couple a class here and there. So we have houses, Frankie, Porsche and I are in the same house, Batman (red) so we have to wear some red to sport on every Monday this term.
Then the bell went and Frankie, Gem and I waited at the crossing, but we didn't see any of our friends. We waited for 10 minutes or so, and then Frankie went off, and Gem and I crossed and walked up the hill together as usual.
I finally got out my camera and we took heaps of pics of each other up the hill, it was heaps of fun!
Then Gem and I parted at the town hall, and I waited at the crossing, when Milly came along, and she was like "Where were you?" so I said how we waited and stuff, anyway we walked together for a bit, but then I met up with mum and we went to the IGA.

So yeah, that's what happened.

Some other things is that the time now is 6.35pm, also Frankie and I want to go out some time and get some fake eyelashes for our characters for Halloween, and also here are some pics from when Gem and I walked up the hill, and after at the IGA:

Gem and I 

Gem waves goodbye as we depart each other

P.S Sorry about all these pictures
usually because it's a way of
 backing up my pictures and
photos that is outside of my actually
computer's data base, as this is on the net.
Also because I want to share these pics,
and the people who look at these are my
friends. Also my friends can easily save
these pics onto their computer,
as it's annoying having to email them. 


  1. grrrrr finally you posted!!
    btw, i'm not stalker-y or anything, i'm just ultra bored.

  2. I love the pics - I hope you post some of your halloween outfits with fake eyelashes :)

  3. ah~i love the pics~love you! see ya tomorrow :)

  4. thank you guys, yeah I will def put some of halloween!
