Thursday, October 7, 2010


Hi, me again, usually quite recently I have been only sortof posting one thing a day about my day, ha! Well, tomorrow I'm going to the Tim Burton Exhibition with Ivy. I have already seen it, but whatever. I am annoyed sort of at Milly, she brought her camera to school, and I took this awesome picture of everyone posing, it was totally awesome, and she said she would send it to me, but then she didn't so I thought she must have forgotten, so I called, using up the rest of my credit, and asked for her to do it, she had forgotten, and so I got her email also, and sent her an email, also to remind her. She hasn't given it to me!
Oh, well, Then I talked to Rachello* on the computer! She's a close class friend, but I don't hang out with her at lunch, she's in Cambodia. And she'll be back next week. She is so sweet, and funny and stuff. I love you Rachello!!!!*

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