Monday, October 11, 2010

the dentist... pain of the mouth

Ok, I have to be quick about my entry today.
But basically I went to school, a bit of confusion about whether I was having a clarinet class in first period or not, but then I went to homeroom and there was this new kid. He's kind of weird. Anyway, so I walked to Art with Rachello, and we like had to show the new kid cos he had art too. Real charmer, anyway so all the girls suddenly were coming with Rachello and I, Porsche included! (She has a crush on someone else!!!???) JOKES, I know she is fateful to that dude she likes, anyway so I had art first period, and Frankie wasn't there!!!??? Anyway I was doing like my self portrait. And Porsche came in and she said the groups for clarinet had changed and we had clarinet now!! No! I say 'NO!' meaning I don't like band theory very much, which I have in period 3, and in the group I was in before, I would get to skip band theory for clarinet class, as I usually miss Art. And so I had to go to clarinet period 2. Then I had recess, and then period 3, I had band theory:( and then period 4, I had actual band practice.
Then lunch. Milly went home early as a result of her aching jaw, as she went to the dentist in the morning. And that didn't really help me, as I was going home early for the dentist too! And then we had english period 5, and maths period 6, which I left early (4.45pm) so I could go to the dentist.
It was just for the check-up. And the dentist said I needed to brush more:( and that everything else was fine:)
P.S the blog is kind of stuffed up, so it says that I posted this on the 11th, monday. But actaully it's the 12th, tuesday, and the post before is monday

1 comment:

  1. Acccckkkk dentists! I have a really lovely one if ever you're looking for a recommendation. Even dentist-chickens like me don't mind visiting her :)
