Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Sneeking a post at school, Wednesday the 27th

Hi, it's Wednesday the 27th, and I'm sneeking a post at school. I have just finished my work on the computer, and the period is no where near over, and so I type.
Really nothing is happening period 5, and this is English, the time now is 1.55pm, so ages till period 6, Maths. I wanted to post this straight onto my blog, but it is taking a while, and so I'll copy and paste this in when I get the chance.
I just checked it, and it's still loading.
I really love Sausage Dogs, do you? Their my favourite dog. My favourite cat however is the two I have lived with my whole life, Chester and Casper.
Anyway, so nothing much happened today, so far, I woke up and it was kind of sucky as I didn't want to go to early morning band. But I did, and sat next to Riley and Porsche, and yeah, then we had science, and I didn't like it. Then Geography where me Riley and Porsche got out of presenting out Great Barrier Reef project because the nerd of our class was taking hours on sayingone sentence, laughing to himself stupidly and then saying in his pompis manner, "And yes so the Great Australian Bite is amazing..." stupid idiot.
Then we had recess, and Leeluu was back, and yeah I found out Riley was away yesterday too, and we were meant to have our needles, and because we had already got the two out of three injections, we have to do it another time, we HAVE to do it!
And then period 3 we had English and then Maths, and the lunch, where we all talked about childhood memories and it was hilarious, and then Gem said to me personally that she thought Westgarth was actually 'westgarf' and so I kept saying 'no it's westgarth' and then I spelt it out to her and she spelt it with me, and we were just a little too loud "w-e-s-t-g-a-r-t-H!!!" and everyone stared at us, and we laughed hysterically, and then Ivy said something, and Gem laughed again, and leaned forward, and slapped her hand on the carpet, and yelled funnily, and then we both laughed hysterically again. Then Porsche and Leeluu said they were officially scared, and were hugging each other, shivering.
SO yeah, and then we are here, and so life continues. Ah.... I went onto Frankie's blog, it's called www.polariodshaking.tumblr.com and it's soo cool. BYE!
Oh, and now it's 3.49pm and I'm posting this on my blog!


  1. Aww...Chester and Casper are two of my favourites too! Chester had the best eyebrows of any cat I have EVER seen.
