Friday, October 29, 2010

Yesterday, Friday the 29th

Hi, I'm sorry I didn't post yesterday, I just didn't feel like it. Anyway, yesterday was alright, I had Italian 1st and 2nd period, and Milly and Frankie came to school!!! Yah!
Then recess, and then English 3rd period and 4th period Geography, which me Riley and Porsche presented our Great Barrier Reef PowerPoint to the class! We had to speak! But in the end majority of the class gave us 9 out of 10 only not 10 because we didn't speak loud enough!
Then lunch, and the last two periods was science. Yuck
Anyway then I walked home, and yeah, then Frankie and I talked on msn.
And yeah.
So I did that today as well. Oh and I stayed up really late last night, and I watched 60 minute make-over (for houses) and How not to design a house
I love that kind of show.
And then today I also talked to Frankie, and then I watched stuff.

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