Sunday, October 31, 2010

Sunday & Monday the 31st and the 1st

My weekend has been fabulous so far! I absolutely loved it. I firstly will tell you why. Halloween was on Sunday, and I was going to go to a sleep over with our whole friendship group and go Trick Or Treating. I first went to Frankie's house, because a) I wanted to get ready with a friend, and b) because my parent's were going to a party, and I needed to either arrive early, or have someone else take me:)
So, I went to Frankie's house where we got ready about straight away. I had to get changed, but Frankie was already wearing her dead Marie Antoinette out fit (but not the wig, as she hated it)
Once I was dressed we got our make-up on!!! Things like, OK well first we put on our liquid eyeliner, because you should put that on first before fake lashes. So I thought I did a good job, and I'll show you some photos, Frankie got her mum to help, and then I got Frankie to help me put on my lashes. So she would help me actually place them on my lids, and then I would adjust and fix and stuff. So, I thought we looked pretty good. Then I put on my red lipstick, and then used an pencil eyeliner (black) to draw the stitches on my face, arms and neck/chest. Then well, I did something else, oh yes! I put on a blue-Green eye shadow all over my face, as my character is blue. The a bit on my arms, and then a lot on my neck/chest.
Then we ah, I think then we were ready, and we left I think.
Yeah, we got there first, and we put down our bags in the living room, and Porsche was showing us her costume (blue I love Jeanie, Jeanie)
and yeah, then about 15 minutes or so later Ivy, Leeluu, Gem all arrived, and then like 40 minutes later Milly arrived, oh! And Gem and Ivy were the devil's angels (Gem an angel, Ivy a devil) and Leeluu was a scary happy psycho type person on happy pills. Also Milly was a vampire.
Anyway it started to rain, and we really wanted to go, so because we knew Porsche's neignbour was coming just Trick Or Treating, we called her up, and we left right about straight after she arrived, I don't know, about 7.30pm???
Then we went trick or treating, seeing Riley and peeps several times, and yeah.
Then we got back and split things up.
Then we had dinner in the living room, and then Porsche's neighbour left, and we watched Psycho. I love that film, and me and Ivy sniggered alot:)..... (we were the only ones who'd seen it b4)
Um, yeah, everyone was talking heaps, and I was kind of annoyed, but I was talking to, so yeah:)
And then we talked for hours, I think it was about 3 or 4 in the morning before we actually went to sleep:)
So in the morning we started watching "Interview with a vampire" and it was really good, but then we had breakfast and didn't bother finishing it:(
Then we moved around the house, talking and then going out side on the trampoline, and yeah. Then I think we went to the park, and hung there, and then Gem had to go, and we said goodbye, which was about 12.30 in the afternoon. Then we went home about 10 minutes later, and went out side on the Trampoline again, and then Leeluu was picked up, and then my mum came, but she had a coffee and stayed for hours, and then I think we all played Volleyball, tipping the trampoline to it's side, and using it as a net. I was with Porsche, and Frankie, and Ivy was with Milly. Then yeah. Then Milly went, and the Ivy (still played volleyball) and then I left, dropping off Frankie at her place and continuing to mine. So, here's some wonderful pics:
This is Gem and Frankie

This is Porsche and Ivy, I'm on the trampoline too:)

This is Porsche, I was jumping on the trampoline too

This is an awesome sign near the park
I took this in the morning of Monday, of Leeluu, Porsche and Ivy
Me before going to the sleep over, at Frankie's

Porsche as the Jeanie

Leeluu, as psycho crazy emo girl

Frankie's eyes (wearing lashes)

Ivy as the devil

Me at Porsche's as Sally the rag doll from Nightmare b4 xmas

Ivy and Gem (devil and angel)

Me wearing my false lashes

Me also, looking down with false lashes

Frankie as Dead Marie Antoinette

Friday, October 29, 2010

Yesterday, Friday the 29th

Hi, I'm sorry I didn't post yesterday, I just didn't feel like it. Anyway, yesterday was alright, I had Italian 1st and 2nd period, and Milly and Frankie came to school!!! Yah!
Then recess, and then English 3rd period and 4th period Geography, which me Riley and Porsche presented our Great Barrier Reef PowerPoint to the class! We had to speak! But in the end majority of the class gave us 9 out of 10 only not 10 because we didn't speak loud enough!
Then lunch, and the last two periods was science. Yuck
Anyway then I walked home, and yeah, then Frankie and I talked on msn.
And yeah.
So I did that today as well. Oh and I stayed up really late last night, and I watched 60 minute make-over (for houses) and How not to design a house
I love that kind of show.
And then today I also talked to Frankie, and then I watched stuff.

Thursday, October 28, 2010


HI! You know what I thought today, well i thought that if anyone wanted to contact me that never met me, and with out becoming a stalker, well, they need my blog professional 'work' email address!
Here you go:

Feel free to email!

Hello, thursday the 28th

Hello, now I have been a busy bee today, so I haven't had time to post yet! I mean it's 6.41pm! Sorry.
Right, now by eventful day really began when I was dropped off at about the top of the hill. I was starting to walk, as mum drove away, when I heard someone yell out my name "SUNNY!" and I turned around, and saw Gem in the front seat of her car with the window wound down, and smiling. "hi" I said, and she goes, "Get in" and I said, "what?" and she said, "we're giving you a lift, to the bottom of the hill" and so I got in the back and said thank you, while the song 'Gee' played in the background, and then her mum let us out, and I said thank you again, and we walked together until I got to my lockers.
Then we had sport the first and second period, which was alright, we had a sub and that was good, and we just played casual volleyball for the double. We had two courts, and we just split up into groups, and yeah. I didn't want to play at first, because of Jackson, he's really weird. And then I played because it was an uneven amount and yeah. It was actually fun, I played on Porsche's team, but wasn't that good, as I do New comb not Volleyball. I kept trying to catch the ball, whoops! And the Jackson behind me was making stupid bird noises, and it was sooo annoying, so I finally turned back to him and said probably rudely but I had to get the message through to him, "Jackson, SHUT UP, your not a BIRD" and then turned back not waiting for an answer. I did get bored with Volleyball, and wanted to play New Comb, but then Porsche was whacked right in the face from a strongly thrown ball and really close, and she like collapsed to the floor, and she was red in the face. She didn't cry, which was brave. And then we went to the taps and got some water.
Then well I played New Comb with Victoria and Riley and the Henry's and Poseidon and Daniel and peeps. Everyone wanted the ball, so when I got it, they where all going "to me sunny" and then Henry D said "I gave it to you last time..." and then I said, with the ball raised in my hands, "no you didn't!" and the Henry S came from behind and tried to knock the ball from my hands, and I turned around and said "Oi!" and yeah.
OMG just having a melt down, as my Frankie on msn just told me she thinks she has an online boyfriend!!! He called her hot and beautiful, does he even no what she looks like???
Anyway, so I then had recess, Frankie and Milly still away:(
Then HR and History and yeah, then lunch, sorry trying to speed it up as my best friend has all the gossip
Oh, and then Maths 5th period, and yeah English in the library.
Then my eventful day was going to Gem's Dad's shop after school, buying lollies, and walking around looking in shops, and taking pictures. We went to the chemist opposite the IGA, and then the IGA, and then the Friendship tree, and then the Local shop, and then Angel's trumpet, and then all the way to the Chemist Warehouse, and then to the plaza, to Priceline and stuff.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Sneeking a post at school, Wednesday the 27th

Hi, it's Wednesday the 27th, and I'm sneeking a post at school. I have just finished my work on the computer, and the period is no where near over, and so I type.
Really nothing is happening period 5, and this is English, the time now is 1.55pm, so ages till period 6, Maths. I wanted to post this straight onto my blog, but it is taking a while, and so I'll copy and paste this in when I get the chance.
I just checked it, and it's still loading.
I really love Sausage Dogs, do you? Their my favourite dog. My favourite cat however is the two I have lived with my whole life, Chester and Casper.
Anyway, so nothing much happened today, so far, I woke up and it was kind of sucky as I didn't want to go to early morning band. But I did, and sat next to Riley and Porsche, and yeah, then we had science, and I didn't like it. Then Geography where me Riley and Porsche got out of presenting out Great Barrier Reef project because the nerd of our class was taking hours on sayingone sentence, laughing to himself stupidly and then saying in his pompis manner, "And yes so the Great Australian Bite is amazing..." stupid idiot.
Then we had recess, and Leeluu was back, and yeah I found out Riley was away yesterday too, and we were meant to have our needles, and because we had already got the two out of three injections, we have to do it another time, we HAVE to do it!
And then period 3 we had English and then Maths, and the lunch, where we all talked about childhood memories and it was hilarious, and then Gem said to me personally that she thought Westgarth was actually 'westgarf' and so I kept saying 'no it's westgarth' and then I spelt it out to her and she spelt it with me, and we were just a little too loud "w-e-s-t-g-a-r-t-H!!!" and everyone stared at us, and we laughed hysterically, and then Ivy said something, and Gem laughed again, and leaned forward, and slapped her hand on the carpet, and yelled funnily, and then we both laughed hysterically again. Then Porsche and Leeluu said they were officially scared, and were hugging each other, shivering.
SO yeah, and then we are here, and so life continues. Ah.... I went onto Frankie's blog, it's called and it's soo cool. BYE!
Oh, and now it's 3.49pm and I'm posting this on my blog!

you are...

I found this picture on Doe Deere's Blog:


Well, no, I tell a lie. I want some other things for Christmas too, like these two colours in nail polish

Monday, October 25, 2010

Today, tuesday the 26th

I was away again today because of that same stomach bug. I think Frankie was too.
I slept for a bit.
Then I watched 'Dial M for Murder' again. I love that movie.
Then did some science homework.
Oh! And before I watched 'Dial M for Murder' I went through every one of my Frankie  Magazines, and then my couple of Dolly Magazines. Guess what I found? I found an advertisment for Doe Deere's cosmetic Range, Lime Crime!!! I really want some of Lime Crime's lipstick and eye magic dust. There rather cheap too. You should go on the site. I love Doe Deere's collection.
The advertisment was in a Dolly issue, for March 2010. It has Lily Allen on it, and said:

Lime Crime
10 Rainbow Coloured Lipsticks 
23 Magical Eye Dust Colours
Create bold bright crazy make-up looks with
And yeah, also a picture of Doe Deere, and a picture of the 10 lipsticks all with their caps off.
And also another bit on the page before:

Cosmetics brand Lime Crime make some of the world's brightest lipsticks, with a colour to match every outfit. Plus the creamy formula moisturises your lips - bonus! 
So yeah! Here are some more pics of her or from her blog:

This is Doe's feet, in a traffic jam. I love her shoes

This is Doe Deere wearing her range of make-up

The Lime Crime range of Lipstick colours

This is one of the lipstick containers! I want this sooo bad!

This is Doe Deere, this pic reminds me of the Mad hatter  in the new Alice in wonderland   

This is Doe Deere, wearing her Lime Crime range

This is Doe Deere wearing her make-up

this is in Doe Deere's own bedroom. Model wearing lime crime


Doe Deere on Monday the 25th

Hello. Have you ever heard of Doe Deere? Doe Deere the Unicorn queen? Well neither had I, until I stumbled upon her awesome blog, and now am in love with her. I think she's German, and she is 29 years old, yet looks 20, and she has bright red hair. She has her own brand of make-up and her house is like something from a dream or a fantasy. She is my new idol, tho I have many (3 idols) who are Doe Deere, Marilyn Monroe and Nirimi the photographer. But there miner idols, she is my Gold idol, Mariln is my Silver idol and Nirrimi is my bronze idol. I LOVE DOE! Look her up, or check out these pics of her:

Sunday, October 24, 2010

today, Monday the 25th

It's 4.16pm and I just finished my maths homework. Today I went to school as usual, and yeah I had Italian in the first period, where me and Frankie got to do some work on Nutella, facts and stuff, wish we could taste test! Frankie has never tasted Nutella before! I was shocked.
Then I had Maths, and yeah it was sort of easy, and I had only one question left, but yeah the bell went. Also I had two other long questions that I had to do also because I was away last week and couldn't do them.
Then recess, which was kind of a bore because LeeluĆ¼ was away, and Milly was stuck in class, and Frankie was in the canteen, and Gem was late!!! But whatever eventually everyone came. Except LeeluĆ¼.
Then Cad for two periods (period 3 and 4) and well, it was kind of boring also, we had to make invites to a party or event on the computer, I did the Frankie Magazine 10th birthday/anniversary. Yeah.
Then lunch, and everyone was there, except LeeluĆ¼ and yeah. Frankie was feeling ill, and that was bad, she was sort of having what I had. On Friday, and I think she caught it from me because yeah she was at my house before I got it on the day.
Then Frankie went to the sick bay, and we all went to the Gym for the last two periods for sport.
Then Gem made me wait for Carlos because she had his keys and wallet for some reason, also probably because she wanted to walk with him.
Then we walked up the hill, me feeling like the third person, and kind of left out, but then Carlos went over to the Primary school and then Gem and I walked up the rest of the way, and I met mum at the top.
Mum then said she picked up Frankie and took her home when she was ill because Frankie couldn't contact her mum (probably had phone off or on silent because she was on the first day of new job, but she is only a temp, so has it for a week, so she wouldn't want her phone on)
Um, and then I got home, and am about to make a Chai, and yeah.
I am going to tell you guys my Christmas list so far, now don't say I'm greedy because this is for the whole family to get suggestions from, as they don't know what to get me.

1. Frankie Magazine subscription
2. Frankie 2011 diary
3. Lost season 1 or 6 on DVD
4. Holga white film/fish eye camera
5. Cardboard magazine holders white from Ikea (pack of 5 for three dollars) 
6. Film or whatever for Polaroid camera (the one that prints the pic as soon as you take it.
7. Depending on which one I'm up to in the series, the next John Marsden's Tomorrow series book
8. Some make-up
9. Sports girl or supre` gift voucher
10. Readings or Borders gift voucher

And that's what I have right now


I am really starting to get mad. You wanna no why? well it's because tho I have asked time and TIME again for comments or signs that someone has been actually READING my blog, I HAVE NOT!
Do you want me to go on strike? Personally I want to document my daily routine, but I need your attention some how. Also I cannot save my pictures and photos on here because I have lost my cord to the computer to upload the photos, so I am limited to the amount of photos I take because I will use up all my memory! Also still not aloud Facebook as I watch friends around me talk about "did you see that on facebook..." and ".... on facebook I...." and "...I was just on facebook, and..." It's DRIVING ME MAD!!!!!!
still mad!!!!!!
I really want Facebook,

Today, Sunday the 24th

Today I didn't do very much.
I watched several episodes of Doctor Who, and then at 2pm I went to Porsche's house. We didn't do much, talked and took pictures of each other on her trampoline. We ate chips (well I did) and fruit, and ah other things, and then we watched 'The nightmare before Christmas' and then also went on the trampoline again.
Then I went home.
And now I am watching 'Modern Family' well, the next one, there was one on at 6.30pm and now 7.00pm I think yeah that's right. It's just started, and yeah so I'm going to go.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Why do I feel so alone?

I was reading Frankie today, and it made me think that I feel recently as if no one really cares, or that no one likes my writing anymore. I feel maybe that no one reads my blog anymore. You'd be suprised how loney and icolated one can get when one looks on their prized blog and finds no support. It's like I have a whole lifein it. Well goodbye

Friday, October 22, 2010

Today, so far, Saturday the 23rd

Hello, I'm home alone right now because my parents went out to a house thing.
I just finished watching 'war of the worlds' remake, the one with Tom Cruise and Dakota Fanning. I haven't seen it for months and months, so I really wanted to watch it.
So today hasn't been very eventful, and yeah, also no one has commented on my posts lately.
Usually my blog has stuff with lots and lots of writing a day, but I haven't got much to say.
I will tell you what happened at Readings yesterday.
Well, I didn't actually go to Readings, my parents went, and I went to Borders to get the next Frankie. I knew I would be in there for about half an hour because of the book launch my parents were at.
I kept looking and looking, but stupidly couldn't find the John Marsden's(sorry if I spelled that wrong) books. I wasn't going to buy it, because believe me if I was going to buy another book apart from the Frankie, I would have bought the Frankie 2011 diary. I just couldn't find the third one, because I thought I'd just have a look, as I just finished the second one. But yeah, so several times I actually walked past the whole collection of Marsden's books, but didn't realise. I also walked past the Frankie wall, well that's what I call it, as it's a small wall like shelf that has all this Frankie stuff. Including things like calenders and the diary. I love the diary. I would buy as soon as I could, but really I think maybe I should wait till Christmas, but I'm not sure if I will stand waiting for that long.
The Borders in Carlton, where I was, is all updated and like all awesome now, as it has little room like categories, and it's all modern, I love it now. So the bit where I finally realised the Marsden books were, was all modern and small, like a room, and had bean bags and those awesome chairs, the ones that are round, and like shiny white on the outside, and I sat in there and read the first chapter of the third book.
So that's about it for yesterday.
Today I have already sort of said what happened.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

today, Friday the 22nd

Hi, so I went to school and had italian for the first two periods, and then went to recess where Gem and Ivy weren't there because Ivy was on an excursion, and Gem was ill.
Then Porsche and I went to English for period 3, and then Geography for period 4.
Nothing was really interesting today, so yeah.
Then lunch.
Then we had science and that was for the last two periods. I did the science test, as I was away when everyone else did it. Then because we were all good, our science teacher gave out the results once she corrected them. I got 83% but then we found that she stuffed up a question when she was correcting, and so I got 86% YAH!
Then Porsche came back to my house, and she went home at 5pm.
I just finished watching 'Dani's house' which ended at 5.48pm.
Later tonight I am going to a book launch at Readings, Carlton, and then I can go to Borders and get the new Frankie Magazine issue 38:)

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

today, thursday the 21st

I rather thought that because I have only seen my friends once this week, that they might want to know what I am doing, and would check out my blog. But I don't think they have been. Oh well, I just gotta keep writing I suppose.
So today I did come to school, sort of. I got up not feeling well still, but I knew I had to go because we were going to go out as a class, and I wanted to go, plus I had payed for it, and you don't get refunds.
So I brought the sausage bag that I got from the Melbourne show in my Dolly show bag. This is because I only need lunch and water and a bit of money. So I came to school, and went over to the outside of my homeroom, and went to Frankie's homeroom, and she was there, so I talked to her, and then Porsche came, and we went into homeroom.
Then we had to wait till everyone came, and then we left, walking past L1, and seeing LeeluĆ¼, Milly, and Gem all working near the window, and we waved, and they saw us, and waved.
So then we went on the tram, Porsche didn't want to sit down, and I did, I was kind of sleepy, and kept lying my head on the side of the seat.
Then we got into the city, and we walked all the way past the yarra, on the opposite side to the aquarium, at Crown, and walked through the food court.
Then at 10.40am we watched 'Avatar, the last airbender' it was alright, didn't really matter that it was in 3D, I thought the manga cartoon TV show was way better, I used to watch it, it was really good.
So then we went past this colourful van, saying 'peace, love, ice-cream' and 'something and jerry'
And a huge line where people were lining up for free ice-cream. We all lined up.
I got chocolate, in a huge cup, same amount as everyone else, just bigger cup, better for me, as I spill things lots.
But some other guys, played 'sissor, paper, rock' against the people surving, and got a whole tub, but like not the ones you buy in the shop, the small tubs, anyway yeah.
Then we finished our ice-cream, and went over to the food court again, and I wasn't going to buy anything but I decided I would buy one steamed Dim Sim. Yum:) I didn't have my proper lunch then:)
So, we had the 3D glasses from the cinema, and everyone popped the lenses out, as there just plastic, and wore the no lense huge black sunnies. They looked kind of cool. So I'll post some when I find the cord to upload the photos from today.

piCTurEs pLEAsE!!!!

This is Elizabeth Taylor
I have a couple of other favourite Marilyn pics,  but that's just because she's my favourite actress and she's so pretty:)
This is grace kelly

Today, Wednesday the 20th

My dad just got a serious burn while boiling water for the vegetables. He was yelling, and then said that it was too bad to put ice on it, which didn't make sense to me, and then he said that he had to go to the doctors, right away, and he just left.
It's 5.26pm, and I'm watching 'Dani's House' which is a good show.
But I'm home alone now, after being home all day because that stomach bug I had over the weekend was back. It's alright now, I think, and well I'm just tired.

Um, OK well today I was supposed to wake up at about 6.40am today for early band. And then I woke up at 6.40am, and I sort of thought I was a little late waking up because I was convinced I didn't hear the alarm, as was either waking up early, or late. Anyway I wasn't sure. And as I started to actually wake up my stomach was needing to go to the toilet, and it was sore. 
I went into my parent's room and got mum awake, and told her I wasn't feeling well, I was half dressed for school, and half in my pj's.
I can't really remember what happened, but I ended up staying home. I texted Porsche and told her I wasn't going to be there, and asked her some things.
Then when I was feeling a little better, as it came in waves, I watched the entire series of Australia's next top model on DVD. I like this series because my favourite girl won, Tahnee. And my second favourite came third, Claire. My other fave was Lola, she really reminded me of Rebbecca from 'Drop dead gorgeous'
So I finished it at about 5.15pm, as there's 11 episodes an hour each.
Then I came in here, and yeah.
Not very interesting.
But I missed a science test today, and the possibility of finding out my result for the maths test from yesterday. Tomorrow I will be going on the class excursion, we will be leaving at 9am and coming back at 3pm. So the whole day, which is good because I don't really like Thursday classes.
Now, this has been currently on my mind, not that I have only just decided, but I wanted to tell you guys my favourite actress she is Marilyn Monroe. I also think Elizabeth Taylor and Grace Kelly are great.
This is Marilyn Monroe, my favourite photo of her:)
Um, BYE! IT'S 5.57pm now:)

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

today, Tuesday the19th

OK, the time is 6.07pm.
Well today was alright. I had a bit of a stomach ache before I left for school, but it ended up alright. But I woke up at 6.30am! A whole hour early. Not very good as I have to wake up early anyway the next day for early morning band.
Also, I just thought I'd tell you that I am sort of well distracted, as I am watching the Simpsons.
Anyway I'll try and concentrate. Right so what I did was went to school, yeah that's right. I was slightly late, and well I had to hand it a note with money to the office for the excursion on Thursday.
I saw Ivy as soon as I headed toward the office, she asked me if I would come with her to put her Clarinet in the music storroom, and I said yes, I she would come with me to the office. She said she had to hand in the note and money too, so I waited with her, and then we went past her lockers, when I saw Porsche and LeeluĆ¼ walking over to the lockers together. I called out their names, and Ivy and I went over to them. We talked for a bit, then LeeluĆ¼ went to her homeroom, as the bell went, and I asked Porsche to tell our teacher that I was at the office. So Ivy and I walked in through to our way to the office, and we saw Gem, we ran up to her, and we said "GEM!" and then we went to hug her, and she dodged us, and said "I have to put my bag away" and she was smiling, and then she left, and Ivy and I were like "Gee, that's real nice of you" and "scgehje jeez, bye Gem" and yeah.
Anyway we um handed in the note, and I went to homeroom, and then Art for two periods next to Riley and Frankie. And the recess.
Um I can't really remember what happens next. Then I had Band period 3, and that was Theory, then um I had clarinet instead of Band Practice. Then lunch. Nothing really SUPER interesting, well that I can remember anyone said, apart from everyone saying they were going to the Northcote Library after school. Ivy asked if she could go, and LeeluĆ¼ and Gem and Milly were already going, and Porsche. And Frankie said she didn't really want to go, so yeah. And then Frankie was going and I felt sort of left out, and I didn't really want to ask, because they couldn't say no as everyone else was going, and I really wanted to go as soon as I found out which was at recess. But yeah, and then Frankie asked for me, and I was kind of disappointed the way they replied, all sort of murmurs and "I don't care" so I was kind of hoping for a straight "yes" or "no" but I decided to go anyway. We also decided to go in groups, as Ivy wanted to go back to her place, and Gem wanted to go back to her place, and they were both on the way, but also in different areas. So we decided LeeluĆ¼, Milly, Frankie, and Ivy would go back to Ivy's place, and Porsche, Gem and I would continue up the hill to Gem's place.
~ wait a sec, before I forget, my cat is currently playing with a Coat Hanger. 
We had English period 5, and then period 6 was the maths test. It was SO hard and lots of people went over time. So we stayed in, those people and we finished it. I finished after about 3 or 4 minutes after the bell, and left Porsche on the last question. I went past the front, were we wait for each other after school (the rocks) to tell them we would be a little late. And I saw Frankie and Ivy, and told them and continued to my locker, passing Gem on the way.
Then I started walking back to the rocks, and my first thought was that they had ditched Porsche and I, and they didn't want to wait any longer or something because I saw Ivy, Milly, Frankie, LeeluĆ¼ crossing the road. Then I realised Gem was watching them leave too, and she was waiting at the rocks. Right, the groups.
I said "I'm SO SORRY" and she was like "why?" and I said, "because they left, and we were supposed to leave first, and, and..." and she was like, "so?"
Then Porsche came about 10 to 15 minutes later, and we yelled, "RUN PORSCHE!"
Anyway we went up the hill. Then we ran a little, but Porsche and I couldn't keep up, and Gem ran the whole time ahead of us. And it was funny, she was running so sweetly, and elegantly, and um, awwww it was so cute!
Um, so we finally caught up to her, of course that was when she went to her place, and stopped running. Then we left practically straight away, and we went to 'NGR' and bought some stuff, and I will pay Porsche back tomorrow. Then we waited as we were meeting the others there, and then going to the Library. Um, yeah they took awhile, but we didn't care, then we left and went to the library entrance, and ate a bit cos' you can't eat IN the library. Then well, everyone decided we would go to the Plaza, and we hadn't even entered the library. Um, we went into Kmart, and looked at things, and then off we went back to the library at about 4.30pm, and yeah Milly went home. And then we all sat down by the large slide windowed door, on the carpet, and read, and talked, and did homework.
tuesday, and then I said "why not just once a week, because, this is basically for homework, so we should choose a day when we had heaps of homework, because what if we had no homework on Tuesday?" and they all discouraged me, and said sort of hurting things, like "SO?" and rudely too. :( and yeah I was kind of upset, because I thought that was a good idea, and they said things like, "It should be only tuesdays" and all not agreeing. I didn't understand. So then I said, "But what if some people can't come, we shouldn't be tied to Tuesdays all the time" and they did the same things as before like, "SO?! They can just miss out, tough luck" and I was hurt, it seemed as if they were saying 'they' but meaning 'you' but I got over it.
And then yeah, I went home. And I thought of a plan, maybe we should have the library thingo on Tuesdays but not conpletley fixed, flexible, and so for some reason one or a couple of people convince everyone another day, it should be aloud. But not change it if only one person can't come.
anyway, BYE!
OH, and the time now is 7.04pm

Monday, October 18, 2010

Um, again, mon 18th

OK, so I haven't got any clues that people have read my other posts today, which makes me a little discouraged. But, I'll just have to get over it, and well, yeah keep posting. Tell me if I've lost my touch or something, or if I haven't~just please post! I want to know your opinions. Anyway um, I was just going to say a bit of ah, stuff.
Today I posted a couple of posts, one about the day so far, and also one about glee, but um, this is another one...
So um I watched 'Vertigo' one of my favourite Alfred Hitchcock movies. Just about that, once I had watched 'Psycho' it meant I had watched all of the Hitchcock movies we have at home. My first Hitchcock experiance was 'Dial M, for Murder' it's really good, then I think I watched 'The Birds' a huge classic, and one of my favourites. Also the others, not in order were 'Vertigo' which I watched again today, and um, then also 'Rear window' I LOVE that film, um, also I have seen 'North by North West' um, I think that's it. Yeah thats right. Yeah, so I watched those last year and stuff, but finally I have finished the series we have at home:)
Also I um read some more of 'The dead of night' um, yeah.
I'm really happy, this is because the maths test didn't happened today!!! Porsche texted me, apparently another teacher came instead of our usual teacher, so I pleased.

Sunday, October 17, 2010


OK, I just literally left my blog and went onto YouTube, and on the side was

GLEE - The Rocky Horror GLEE Show Sneak Peek! (airing 10/26) 

Look it up PLEASE! Um it it's a HALLOWEEN SPECIAL glee is doing the ROCKY HORROR SHOW! And airing on the 26th of october!!! (it was in american date so yeah)  OH and DON'T FORGET the guy, the new one who replace Finn, and also has fat lips, you know and he sung Billionaire???




monday, so far, the 18th

Hi, I am struggeling to write, as I really am not feeling so well. Mon: 9.01am
And well, I am very upset because well I really wanted to do the maths test with everyone else. And well, I can't can I?
Nor can I tell you about my day, or that you will read this until your out of work or school. So, I'll try and make my day seem the tinsy bit interesting for you, OK?
Well, I woke up at 7am in the morning but refused to get up (stupid body clock) as I was still a little sleepy, and should get a sleep in. So then I woke up again at 8.30am. That's an alright time I supposed, so I got up. And, well I put TV on, yet didn't watch it, and toasted bread, and I still haven't eaten it, and read my book, 'the dead of night' I actually read a part that my good friend Ivy warned me about happening... um, yeah wasn't very pleasant to read.
Moving on. Well then I finished the chapter, and started up the laptop, and now I am on YOU, and at the same time have several other tabs, one is Yahoo!7, the next is Stardoll, then Flickr, then this, and then YouTube. So, um yeah I  failed in making this interesting haven't I? Please comment. Also maybe I'll watch a movie, and study as tomorrow I'm getting tested in Band, and maths also! For band he is going to choose a random~sorry I am ashamed to say that I was distracted by a muted TV dirt Girl. Um, so choose a song we were learning, at random and we have to perform it. Um, not really song, but yeah, I'll call it a song. It's a warm up key of b flat and e flat tunning notes, and yeah well um I only know one of the random 3 or so of by heart, the others I don't. So also I wouldn't have been in a great way studying for the maths test last night, so I'm going to take this as a plus, for studying!

OK, BYE! OH sorry, I keep forgetting, now I published this and now I need to edit it, ok now I need to say the time I ended Mon: 9.13am

Ok, NOW bye!

to gem, sort of, and my other besties, sun 17th

Hello, It's the same day, and I just wanted to say some things and then some more to Gem and people. OK, well I watched~oh wait the time is: 8.11pm, OK as I was saying, I watched 'Psycho' really good and creepy, I have been waiting literally a year to watch it, and kept putting it off, and so when dad couldn't find it in his stuff today, I got sad. So I said "I'm going to look for it" and then dad came in and I opened his DVD thingy, and he said "We'll never find it, ever in a million years" all huffy. And then I just thought, maybe you didn't look EVERYWHERE and I pulled out a disc at random from a part that I decided to search first, dad watching, and slowly I uncovered the title 'Psycho' it was SO cool! I was like OMG and dad was like GOSH! And it was sooo cool, and and and oh my god so psychic!
Um, yeah so it was really good, and scary and everything.

SO I wanted to say something to my besties, and I thought I would just remind them that I wanted to tell them, now it's kind of personal, so I will tell them at school, but for some reason I want to tell Gem in particular. Um, so it's about a dream I had last night. I would write it in my dream diary only it's kind of about getting caught in a net (My friends will know what that means) and it was kind of embarrassing, so yeah. Well it was sort of a good dream, sweet dream or whatever, but I just CAN'T write it down, though I want to remember it!!! SO PLEASE READ BEST FRIENDS:
Please email me Gem or Frankie in particular so I can kind of keep the dream, and also tell you at the same time. OK, BYE!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Sunny is ill on Sunday the 17th

Ok so I am seriously ill and yeah I have been the whole weekend. The time is 3.18pm just so you know. Umm anyway I just thought I'd tell you guys that this will take forever to type as I am using the iPod touch. So I am not really going to tell you about my day really as it's not that interesting. So I watched the Corpse Bride, then Practicle magic. Now I will watch Physco also I wanted to tell you that I might not be coming to school tomorrow cos I have gastro bye

yesterday, Saturday the 16th

Hello! I am going to tell you about my day yesterday! OK, so I had a slow and dull start to the day. I wasn't feeling as well, and yeah I wasn't really feeling good at all. But most of the day I just lay down in front of the TV and just watched it. And read some heaps of "The dead of night #2" and yeah just about it! I then had a bath, because I didn't feel really right for a shower. And straight after was an early dinner. This was because me and my parents were going out to the Art Center (state theater) to see a performance by John Cole, a famous singer. My dad was the whole reason we were going. He played heaps of John Cole's old tracks about the house days before, and he said to me that it was like seeing one of the Beatles. Um, yeah we got there by car, and I took heaps of photos before we arrived, in the car. Because the rain was making a serious affect on the photographs, it looked great. Now, I haven't uploaded those photos yet, but I'll put some on my blog when I do.
So mum bought me some desert, Saffron Panacotta mmmmmm yummy. With yummy fruit, orange slices really small, blood orange too, and watermelon chopped up, zesty citrus slices on the top....yum
And a sprite lemonade thingy. But we couldn't take it into the performance, so we scoffed it all down quickly, and when the bells chimed for the 10 minute warning we were in there. It was 7.30pm when it started I think. Anyway it was really good, but Dad couldn't see, and he's the tallest, I felt so sorry for him, as he was really looking forward to this, and it didn't matter to me if I couldn't see the singer, I could just enjoy the music. I was contemplating for a couple of songs whether I could cope and that I should swap with him. Um, yeah so after a song ended and everyone was clapping, I said, "We can swap if you want" in his ear, and dad said in a sad voice, "But you won't be able to see..." and I said sadly back, "I know." and then I decided to wait till intermission to get him to swap, but when intermission came, dad beat me to it and asked quietly, "do you still want to swap?" all sadly How SWEET. Anyway mum heard the conversation and said she would swap with dad. She didn't mind. So yeah. All up it was actually a good concert, there was this one lady to my left far over, you yelled funny things between songs to John Cole, she first said, "WHY IS YOUR HAIR PINK JOHN?" and then, "STILL SEXY JOHN!" and then, "TAKE YOUR PANTS OFF" hilarious!
Mum said she was actually fine, because the man next to her left and didn't come back, and so she could lean over and see things just as fine.
Then we went home.
It was quite a good night.
Well, goodbye!

P.S the time now it 11.04am and I will be from now on when I remember to write at the very beginning the time, and then at the very end the time, so I can see the time it took, and so can you.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Today, so far, Saturday the 16th

Hello, now I have forgotten to mention what else happen yesterday. I received a special gift from my famous adult friend. No, she is not Paris Hilton, or followed by the paparazzi. But, she has her name entitled on two complete and published books, and she is in my eyes a star. Now, the thing is, she gave me that small gift. She gave me her latest book! I am so happy, as it was the first book she wrote, (even though it was published second) and I remember clearly proof reading it a year or so ago, from a printed out email attachment. And now I can admire the glossy cover, and the cute drawings, that have brought her stories to life.
Her name is Anna Branford, her real name, and she has given me the book called "Violet Mackerel's Brilliant Plot" and her first book published, which I also have, is "Sophie's Salon" and I think they are both magical. Her blog and website is:

And I am so pleased that now everyone can enjoy Anna's wonderful imagination and skill.
The stories are not for my age group, but younger, BUT I encourage you to buy a copy of one.
Thank you ANNA:)


Yesterday, Friday the 15th

Sorry about not writing till today, also for the fact that from now on my titles will say the day, as the times get all stuffy. Just so you know the post before this "...Halloween is on my mind" um that wasn't on the 13th, I write at least one post about my day every single day. Or type one the next day like I am now. SO it was actually posted on the 14th ok?
OK, so yesterday I got up and went to school. Mum drove me really close and I had an umbrella because it was so cold and wet in the morning. I walked to school from where mum dropped me off, and the bell went as I was getting there, so that was pretty shit. Um, so then I got there and I was in the locker bay, hurrying and I saw Samantha, I asked her to wait, please, and she said sure. So then we walked to homeroom, and the class was all still waiting out side, thank god. Miss.W wasn't here yet. Then she came and she got us into class, and we all decided to see "The last air bender" as there was nothing else good enough to see that was PG for our class excursion next week. Porsche didn't come to homeroom again. That was two days in a row, and Samantha was like to our teacher "miss, she never comes anymore" And then we went off to class. I had Italian first and second period. I sat next to Frankie, and then Ivy came over and she was like "can I sit next to you guys, cos' who I usually sit next to isn't here..." and we completely gave her like this torment and she believed us! Cause usually she doesn't like sitting with us, and where best friends so we're kind of hurt, and she always says "I sit next to you at lunch though" but whatever. SO we were like "Oh, second choice, are we? Cos your lonely?" and stuff and she started defending herself "... I sit next to you at lunch.." and then I laughed and looked at Frankie and I was like "Of course you can sit with us!" and Frankie laughed and she was "dah" and so we all moved along one and she sat with us for the two periods.
But our Italian teacher didn't think Ivy and I did enough work. And she said "maybe it will be the Ivy and Sunny detention day?" and we weren't sure if she was kidding or not. She wasn't. My office at lunch, room 11. Oh crap.
So then we had recess, and I saw Porsche, she was just late that's all. Then Me and Gem got up and we said "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" and so did LeeluĆ¼ only she was sitting down. And everyone was like "who?" and we said "DONGHAE!" Gem's Asian celebrity crush.
And yeah. Then LeeluĆ¼ said "me and Milly were the only one's that new" and I said "what but how do you know?" as I had been remembering all week. "oh, well I found out yesterday, and plus it was in my diary" and I was all sad and said "but I found out last week, and I knew it off by heart" and she was like "oh,"
Um, then we went into class, Porsche and I, we had English and then Geography. Not very interesting.
Then we had lunch, were Ivy was waiting at the locker bay for me, to go to detention:( and I got my bag because I had science last double periods. Um, it was still raining the whole day, none stop, so if it continued through lunch (12.30-1.30pm) then we would go home 15 minutes early (2.56pm instead of 3.12pm) So me and Ivy went into this like interrogating small white room in room 11. It had a white table, with three chairs, and one glass of water in the center. Ivy said it was like an interrogating room, not me. Then Frankie and Porsche waited outside the room, as gem and all them weren't there, they were on an excursion. Um, yeah so miss went and got us a Italian into English dictionary because we didn't bring our books with us, and she said she took to mean that we wanted to do boring unproductive work. :( :(
Um, so we did half a page each from the dictionary to copy down, which meant we had to literally copy EVERYTHING down, so the little 'adj' things and the brackets, and the dots and everything. It took a whole lunch time!!!! But probable not as long because we had it shortened because it did rain the whole time. And also because miss came back in and she sat down with us and asked, "so is this boring" and Ivy said "No, it's fun!" and I said "IVY!?" and miss walked away and said "oh, good you can keep going then." Um, then I said "why did you do that?" and Ivy said, "I didn't want to give her the satisfaction!" I didn't agree.
Then we didn't get to eat our lunch. Also miss isn't mean, she actually thought it was quite funny, and she said everything with a smile, or at least a smile in her tone in her speaking.
Um then Porsche and I trudged down the hall with our bags, and waited out side Science unwillingly. We were dissecting fish today... So Porsche and I were partners. and the poor little fishy... and also the smell! The guts! Oh, i didn't feel well at all. So I asked for a drink of water, and felt really bad. Then left Porsche to do most of the cleaning up, and yelled at her because of it, sorry Porsche.
Then we went home early. I walked with Porsche and Frankie up the hill a bit, until my dad called and said for Porsche to come another time. Frankie found this green plushy sort of monster slipper. She really wanted it and she went and got it, OFF THE ROAD! And she brought it over, and it was soooooo soaking WET. It was dripping every where, not that it mattered, it was soaking wet everywhere else anyway. And she said, "it's dripping wet" kind of sadly. Then I said "Where are you going to put it? not in the car, and then when your back at my place?" and she said "Oh, I really like it." and then I said "if you bring that into the car and ask my dad to bring it home with us, then my dad will shit himself" she laughed and said "it probably has drugs in it" and she dropped it. But while we continued to walk she said "oh, I really want it though,"
We had the umbrella but it didn't really help, because it kept popping out when you walked against the direction of the wind. So we said bye to Porsche and she walked back down the hill, only to see her with Ivy walking back up to Ivy's house when Frankie and I were in the car.
Because it was raining Frankie and I waited a bit, we waited at home by the heater, talking about stupid things while I sang weird sentences.
So, then when it calmed down just a bit, Frankie and I were driven up to High street, and we went to the plaza while my dad went to buy food. I took about $20 and so did Frankie. We went along the IGA side of the road, till we got to the plaza stopping now and again as I took photos on my camera:)
We went to Price Line, and we looked at what we wanted for Halloween, then we kept them hidden in the shop, and went over to 'Is This The Australia's Cheapest Chemist' which was twice as much money! So we waited at the lights, and as we crossed an old withered blind man was poking his stick around and I pushed Frankie along and said "there's a blind man!" and she said "so, I wasn't anywhere near his stick!" and I said "But I was, and I couldn't move over because you were in the way!" "oh, that was stupid of me" and then we waited at the next crossing, and I watched the poor man, as he walked his stick, and abruptly walked away as he felt the wall he might have bumped into... Then he walked our way, and wacked Frankie with his stick, and said sadly "sorry..." I felt so sorry for him:(
Then Frankie and I bought liquid eyeliner, and fake lashes. All for only $10!
Then we were picked up by my dad, and went home again. Then Frankie said that she was busy, so we couldn't have a sleep over. I didn't mind, I wasn't feeling great, very tired, and sore. So then I had a Chai, and used my favourite spoon, which is metal, and the handle is hollow, and is a straw! Cool ha? Anyway then I was sucking the straw, which looked like I was sucking the handle. Frankie was like "What are you doing?" I sucked louder, she still didn't get the slurping sounds. Then Frankie said "OMG what if there was a spoon that was also a straw too!" and I said "Shabangabang! This is a spoon with a straw!" and she was like "WHAT? Where's the whole?" and I showed her and yeah.
Then she found out I could come for a sleepover if I wanted, I was like OH NO! Not because I didn't like her, I just felt so tired and shitty. So I said a couple of times "would you hate me if I didn't come?" and yeah, and then her mum came, and she left. I watched the Encore of Glee, two episodes, and I lay down sleepier then usual, and also whenever I got up my head hurt heaps, and throbbed. Then I was really ill. Not like sick in the toilette ill, but like I had a huge fever, and I was shaking, and really sleepy, and my head ached heaps all the time, and I had sharp pains randomly in my stomach, then my hand, and then my back. My back really hurt when I was standing, and I didn't want to move anywhere. I also felt like most of my skin was burnt when I touched it, cos' it really was sensative.
Then um, yeah went to sleep early. And yeah. Crap end for a friday.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

hello! Halloween is on my mind

OK, I don't really need to tell you that I am going to tell you what I did today, as you already know that!
So today, I went to school with a super heavy bag it really hurt my shoulders. Me whiny.
First period I had Sport, and 2nd as well. Really scary, we had it with the year eights!!! Their so intimidating. They through bouncy balls at Porsche's head heaps.
Then we had recess, and Frankie showed this funny thing she made up to see what sound you made when she pulled your hand backwards, for secret reasons, sorry. It hurt and I made a real high pitch sound. Hilarious. Private joke :) :) :)
Um, then period 3 all year sevens and tens were going to have Assembly, and yeah. We got to miss out o Healthy Relationships!!!! Then yeah, I had Clarinet class, period 4. Then lunch. Where we all laughed hysterically about that hand thing, sorry it's private, can't tell you but it was SO funny!
Then period 5, maths, and I practically fell asleep so.... tired. And also because we were just studying for the test next week. The new kid is kind of weird. He has really lame jokes, like "Who have you your first clue, Sherlock?" in this dopey voice, and laughing to himself.  it's like his signature joke, it's not funny at all. Just weird.
Then I had English in the library, reading. I am reading 'The dead of night' the second book in the tomorrow series. Um so yeah Porsche and I for the whole last period practically talked about how we were going to organise the sleeping arrangements at her house for the Halloween sleepover.
We are all sleeping in her living room, but we don't know if there's enough room.
Um, so yeah then after school I walked with Carlos, Gem, Ivy and Milly up the hill. Milly and Ivy went to Ivy's house, and Gem, Carlos and I continued to walk up the hill.
Gem was filming Carlos and saying "Owrrrr he's so cute!" in her high pitched voice. She said she was being the paparazzi. Gem is kind of obsessed with Carlos but not in the boyfriend-girlfriend way. Like before Milly and Ivy walked with us, Gem, Carlos and I used to always walk up together (well actually I walked with Gem, and Gem made Carlos wait for me when she would wait to walk with me after school) and yeah she was sooo obsessed before. But she's not so bad now. I suppose Ivy and Milly and stuff wouldn't agree, as she's still pretty bad, but they didn't walk with us before, I mean she was sooo crazed, you should have seen her!

P.S Gem sorry if this offends you, I don't mean this harshly, just light hearted. You weren't crazed in a bad way, it was sweet to watch.
Just before I came on I was looking up things for my Halloween costume. I have to make it....:(
SO ummm,
OH! Tomorrow Frankie and I are going to a cheap chemist to get Foundation, liquid eyeliner, and fake cartoon like eyelashes, for our Halloween characters! Then maybe a sleepover.